Friday, September 10, 2010

Fathers Day Theme

Most Creative Hayes Manning 11 months
Best Clothes (11 VOTEs) Phoebe
Cutest eyes Dandre
Little Mr Daddy with our 4 sons; Sam 6 months, Benji 23 months, David 3 ys and Joshy 9 yrs
Lille Miss Mia
Best pose Samuel Clews
Fathers Day photo (6 VOTEs) Charli Rose

Sadly this will be the last competition from me. This website may or may not be taken over by the new Judge of the group but as no-one has stepped forward yet it's not guaranteed. Thanks again to all members, I have had an awesome time judging and making new friends :) Hope all your babies grow up to be everything you dream for them. Melissa x

Friday, September 3, 2010

Most Creative Theme Winners

A'lexus - Best Clothes

Nathan - Best Smile

Jacquline - Most Creative (10 votes)

David - Little Mr (6 votes)

Delilah - Little Miss (6 votes)

Miriam - Cutest Eyes

Jesse - Best Pose